The Ogyakrom team had 7 people doing ‘awareness creation’ (ambassadors) and one person doing screening and treatment of precancerous lesions of the cervix…
…Even he was fired at the end.
Please watch the PowerPoint presentation to the end.
Saturday, June 26, 2021.
‘Random thoughts’
I wrote the above on January 25, 2020 during the cervical cancer awareness month when most people were doing ‘awareness creation’ and few were screening and treating precancerous lesions of the cervix.
There is another interesting observation I have made:
When an opportunity comes for training in cervical cancer prevention skills (to an institution or district), especially sponsored programmes that participants don’t have to pay themselves, you find nurse managers and people with administrative roles pushing to get the slots for the training.
These are people who are very busy with administrative work and have no intention to ‘get their hands dirty’ to offer screening and treatment of precancer. They want ‘to get the knowledge’ and supervise those on the ground.
Meanwhile an ‘overview’ on cervical cancer screening and treatment can be given in a day or two to such ‘administrators’ instead of taking the slots of ‘field workers’ and spending 2 weeks in a sponsored training programme with no plans to ‘work on the field’.
No wonder most people want to be ‘managers’ in our part of the world.