Sycophancy: woes of Kwaku Nkrabea (Part 6)

Saturday, January 7, 2023.


Kwaku Nkrabea not being ‘upgraded financially’ in spite of promotion.

On the hospital staff WhatsApp platform:

Head of Human Resources (HR): All those who received their promotion letters last week. Please send me the money we discussed so that we put it in an envelope to be given to the woman at the office of the Financial and Salaries Department at the Ministries in the capital city. If we don’t do this, your new salaries will delay. Remember you will not be paid arrears beyond three (3) months.

Dr. R: Thank you, our one and only HR! I have sent the Security man to give you my money.

A: Thank you, HR! Good job as always. I am bringing my money.

T: Sure HR. I just sent the money to you by momo. Please check your phone.

Kwaku Nkrabea: Why should we send money to someone in the Ministries without a receipt before we are upgraded? It is ten months since I was promoted but I haven’t been upgraded because I refused to pay this money without receipt. Now, every two weeks I have to go to the Ministries myself to follow up on this. The country loses because I have to leave the facility to follow up.

C: Kwaku Nkrabea again! Do you take a receipt when you buy kenkey by the road side?

D: People work hard. We must appreciate their hardwork by continuing these payments. It is our culture. We must appreciate people with gifts.

E: Kwaku Nkrabea, don’t you know these people in the Ministries work so hard and must be appreciated?

Kwaku Nkrabea: I am not saying that they don’t work hard. If the workers there are few and overwhelmed, the Ministry can consider charging more for ‘fast track services’ and employing more people. The extra money generated can pay the recruited staff… But there must be receipts for all monies paid. How can there be good audits without receipts?

C: Kwaku Nkrabea, are you suggesting our HR pockets some of the money and does not give all to the woman at the Ministry?

D: Kwaku Nkrabea is not humble. He wouldn’t be in this position if he was humble. With this attitude I will not be surprised if he doesn’t get his pension before he dies.

Dr. R: D, say it again. All his colleagues who are humble and do locum at Opompojay Specialist Hospital, Prof. Asempa’s private hospital, didn’t experience this. They got upgraded in less than a month when Prof. Asempa sent a Protocol list to the ministry.

A: Let Kwaku Nkrabea wallow in his wisdom. He will go to the ministry for five years.

Q: HR, I have sent my money by momo. Please check your phone. God bless you for what you do for us!

To be continued.


The characters in this piece are fictitious; any resemblance to real people or facts within your Corporate Institution is pure coincidence only.

Kwaku nkrabea
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